Our Guarantee


We guarantee that every job will be treated with equal importance and that you will not be left waiting because of a “more important” urgent need.

Product Warranty.

Because we use only recognised product suppliers we guarantee every product we provide will perform to the standard expected. All materials are supplied with a certificate of conformity. Every product we supply comes with a one year warranty. In the unlikely event that a product should fail, we guarantee to replace the product free of charge.


We guarantee that only trained and competent staff will work on your project. Our checks include not only the electrical, but also the appearance. We guarantee that faceplates will be level, well secured, that lights will be secure and flush, all exterior products will be waterproofed and sealed. If there were any issues with our workmanship we will return free of charge to rectify and make good at a time that suits.

Accuracy & Completeness.

We guarantee that we will complete scheduled work as set out in the electrical plans and diagrams to the specifications supplied. Our quality management systems and extensive checklists ensure that our staff check off each section of work before proceeding to the next. Also marking all measurements for light fittings so we can cut out before plastering has started. Should our team make an omission or an error, we guarantee to put it right at our expense and to do so by days end.


We guarantee to tidy up after ourselves, from sweeping up timber from our prewire, tidying up offcuts of cable to cleaning any marks off walls that may occur from fitting off switches, light fittings etc.

Honesty, Reliable Pricing.

Honesty is at the core of our business. In regards to pricing of a project, we price fairly and price for what we believe is required from an electrical view point, without being excessive, e.g. number of powerpoints, number of light fittings, TV, phone etc. Many electrical companies prefer to put together a basic plan with minimal, unrealistic numbers of fittings in order to secure a job. Then, as the client requests further powerpoints and light fittings the electrician charges them excessively for these ‘extras’, this is how the majority of companies in the industry operate, but we don’t.


We guarantee to have the electrical certification completed in good time and delivered to you on completion of job so you never have to chase it up.